Friday, 4 March 2011

As Mad as a Hatter!

"You shouldn't be asking, 'why are you wearing a hat?', What you really should be asking is why are you not?"- John Galliano

My Headpiece- Front View

Millinery- my elective for the past week. It was the first time I’d done this, (excluding a fascinator in my A Levels) so as well as learning the techniques, I wanted to go all out and design something a bit more than the average hat or headpiece.

I chose the concept of birds getting caught in barbed wire as I think the contrast between something so delicate and a raw obstacle such as the barbed wire an intruiging one. It was a follow up of my initial thoughts on man versus nature. Also, because of my diverse theme, I felt I could harness all of the skills I had learned through my millinery elective.

Final Design

Initial Design

Initial Design

My Headpiece- Right Side View

My Headpiece- Left Side View

My Headpiece- Top Close-Up

My Headpiece- Facial Close-Up

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